Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Let's go round again...

According to The Independent (13/11/11), vinyl sales are at a 10-year high. No shit Sherlock! 

Everyone should have worked out by now that the minute something is decreed dead, defunct, past it, it springs back to life. For every action there is a counter action. Brands are built and revived on this principle.

Retro is big. Everyone knows that, don't they?
But they didn't back in 1998 when I created a raft of stuff to present to a former client with the intention of letting them ride the wave of what I knew was coming.

We arranged a meeting, but on the morning of the meeting his PA rang to say he wouldn't be arriving. No explanation was forthcoming and he didn't reschedule. More fool him. Why did he do it? Because it meant moving his ass out of his chair to meet an unestablished and fledgling company and he couldn't be arsed. What did he miss out on? Just about everything that has been lauded as new, innovative and fresh ever since. (Zip disks with dates available for the doubting Tommies and Pansy's out there.)

So what's the moral?

Well this is one for client's, innit.
Don't ever say no, because you have no idea what you're passing up on. 

And the client in question? They make beer in Anglia.

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