Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Ear. Look at this...

Some time ago I wrote about a piece of Sony's pre-digital kit I'd spied in a shop in central London. The post was entitled, A hod for your ears. When I first saw it I stupidly forgot to take a picture, because it has to be seen to be believed and remembered. And, alas, it was removed and replaced with another piece of less interesting kit shortly afterwards. But now, hurrah, it's back. And so, being better equipped, I took a shot. Gigantic or what? Look at it. That's a big baggy bloke's mac it's dwarfing. 

This week began with the latest salvo in the war against obesity, particularly in 'yoofs'. Given that they are glued to their 'sounds', perhaps a better strategy than counting calories would be enforced substitution of their iPods, iPads and phones for one of these things for a determined period of time. Lugging this mother around for a week is sure to banish the muffin tops. Well, at least reduce them from a pack of six to four.


  1. I'm wondering if that disc-player in the middle is for CD's or LP's? ;)

  2. No darling. LP's. I know. Hard to believe nowadays, isn't it? But it's a mammoth piece of kit. I for one wouldn't want to lug it around, but my cousin did exactly that. Lol!

  3. Your snapshot brings back some great memories of a 10-day stint among the British Virgin Islands as a kid. Specifically, a cricket match (my first-and-only) on the backdrop of a centuries-old Spanish fort. The boom-box was doing just that, occasionally accented by the clack of ball-off-bat and the slam of an old man's domino on a wooden table. The sights, sounds and smells (which were nothing like gran-daddies Borkum Riff) have steeped my brain like conch in the local gumbo... I hope it never fades! ;)

  4. Cricket! Leather against Willow on a matchless village green with a pint at hand!
