that's what they say. And you know what? I think they're right, because had I seen the Flowerpot Men and their mate Andy Pandy up close back then, the words 'Andy Pandy's coming to play' would have provoked a very different set of feelings, not to mention nightmares, pretty much like the one I had last night.
Today no one would put these monsters on the box. Not even after a couple of bottles of Baileys. Clearly the technological limitations of the average Ferguson set imbued them with a softness they most certainly do not have in the flesh. More Dead of Night than afternoon delight.
And to think that some protested that the colourful, rotund and benign Teletubbies were evil! Angels indeed in comparison. And if you don't believe me, go to The Museum of London and see them for yourself. You can sit on one of their comfy 50s sofas and watch episodes of the same on an antiquated set and take a stroll down memory lane as you survey the ducks on the wall.
You might think that kids today, having been brought up in the digital age and fed on a diet of CGI, would think they'd wandered into a stone-age cave. But no, they're mesmerised by it. I think it's the tone and pace of it, it's so different to 'their' entertainment landscape. But then, via the internet and sites such as YouTube, they are introduced to all manner of things, so perhaps it's not so alien to them after all.
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