Thursday 22 December 2011

Funnier than anything on the box this Christmas

'tis the season of beliefs.
I read yesterday some of the best Christmas crackers ever.

It was new research designed to find out what the yoof of today think that Christmas is all about. Laugh? I nearly wasted my mulled wine by spraying it. Here are the highlights.

1. The wise men found out about Jesus through Facebook.
2. They gave him chocolate, a TV and a Peppa Pig toy.
3. Lapland is a nightclub.

Now before we all get Mail-like huffy and puffy about what may or may not be a sharp decline in educational standards let me ask you the following. How many of you believed in the stork? Or the tooth fairy? And how many of you pass this stuff on?

We do our jobs well (on the whole) so is it any wonder that kids think that Facebook is the font of all knowledge? Or that Christmas isn’t Christmas without some of the brown stuff - milk or plain - but most probably Quality Street or Matchmakers given the heady cocktail of spend and Christmas mythology. Or that Peppa Pig would confer cool status upon anyone? As to Lapland: how many of you know where it is, or could point it out on a Mercator Projection? Thought not. This is about their perception. Let's not impress reality upon them...for now.
Enjoy everyone.

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