Friday 9 December 2011

A hod for your ears

D'Arblay Street has a new shop. It's called Weekend Offender. If you want to feel very, very old, or crap yourself laughing while simultaneously thanking whoever that you were born in more recent times, go and have a look what's in the window. 

'It' stopped me in my tracks last week - I haven't seen anything like it since the 80's. Some 2ft by 1.5ft and about 10 inches deep: a Sony portable LP player / blaster. A relic from the days when doing a bit of part-time hod-carrying on a building site was required practice if you wanted to carry one of those mothers around without spending an afternoon in the local A&E.

I was joined by a twenty-something. I asked her if she knew what it was. She didn't. So I explained. At which point she pulled her iPhone out of her pocket, held it in front of the window to highlight the comparison and said "and now we have this." "Yay!"

Yay indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Here's the answer to my question on the follow-up post!
