Monday 30 January 2012

Only Smarties have the answer...

That, more than a few of you will remember, was the tag line to the utterly brilliant ads which Robinson Lambie-Nairn created for Rowntree and the Smarties brand in the 80's. Today Smarties are 75 years old.

A couple of years ago, some spod who also didn't know his or her arse from their elbow changed the tube to a hexagon, citing stacking efficiencies as the main motivation.

Great. Whereas I used to ask for a tube of Smarties they now expect me to ask for a hexagon of the same. Never done it. Never going to either. In much the same way that I and thousands if not millions still ask for a Marathon and not Snickers.

How many kids have been taught to spell - probably their own names initially - by using the round alphabet tops? The hexagon move always seemed to me to be more about someone wanting to make their mark and if that's the case it was a rubbish one. A brand-diluting one. So you join Sherbert Fountain in making moves which totally destroy your heritage. Shame on you.

By way of celebration and for a limited period Smarties will appear in tubes once more. I smell a U-turn. Let's hope so, because only Smarties have the answer.

The orange ones are my favourite. What's yours? 

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