Tuesday 14 February 2012

On the filthy, dirty naughty step

I bought a Valentine for someone today. It was a mucky, filthy and very well designed funny one, which was a fit with 'the person' and I - much more so than the roses, cupcakes and padded hearts also on sale.

I'm 50 but am told repeatedly that I look at least 10 years younger. I have my own teeth and I don't dribble when I speak. But I do have white/grey fantastically styled and gorgeous hair.

The twentysomething on the till looked at the card. Then me. Then the card. Then me. Her disapproval was palpable. I could see she was confused. I don’t look old, but my hair is white. I don’t dress old, but my hair is white. She was totally discombobulated. All she knew was that this bird with white (old) hair was buying a mucky card and her entire body language said ‘are you sure? Should you be buying this?’ because, clearly, when you’re older you don’t do ‘it’ anymore. So I held it up and showed it to the bunch of students behind me. Much laughter and an invitation for a drink ensued.

So can we please stop using those feck-awful classifications such as ‘grey power’, ‘silver surfer’ and so on. Because someday soon it’s going to apply to you and you won’t like that at all – being written off before you’re dead. And I have to tell you girls, you can spot a dye job from a mile away and it's not a pretty sight. Let's stop branding people as being half-dead when they’re still very much alive.

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